
Newspeak? By Bénédicte, Jérémy & Michael

It is not just French people who use abbreviations all the time on their cell phones. English-speaking people use the SMS (Short Message Service) too of course !

Some words have a double sense, like KISS “keep it simple stupid”. Other shortened words that have crosses the Atlantic include the famous LOL “laughing out loud”.

SMS can be useful, it’s easier to write long messages with shorter “words”. But is there a danger that it destroys language at the same time ? Is SMS a bad, lazy, habit ? More and more young people become SMS-addicts, and shorten words all the time. Sometimes they are incomprehensible... Even expressions like “and so on” have been shortened : ASO!

But abbreviations are so practical that we are starting to prefer them to real words, even if we feel a bit guilty about ove-using them, DYT (“don't you think”) ?

1 comment:

Mégane C. said...

I think abbreviations are practical but now, young people doesn't use it anymore. The majority of mobile phones have a spellchecker which it prevents to make mistakes. So, I think abbreviations will disappear in a few years.